Mini timezone clocks
in your menubar

Minizones lets you quickly glance at different timezones, right from your menubar.

macOS 13.0+ Intel, Apple Silicon

100+ people loves it

“This is very useful when your family and team are scattered all around the globe."
- omarmhq

Just one click

To glance at different timezones from your menubar

Minizones Quick Glance

Time Slider

Simply slide forward or backward to check the times for the day

Minizones Time Slider

500+ Timezones

Choose from our extensive list of timezones across the globe

Minizone Cities

Personalise As You Like

Give your timezones a custom name and change its emoji

Minizones Personalise

Just one click

To glance at different timezones from your menubar

Minizones Quick Glance

Time Slider

Simply slide forward or backward to check the times for the day

Minizones Time Slider

500+ Timezones

Choose from our extensive list of  timezones across the globe.

Minizone Cities

Personalise As You Like

Give your timezones a custom name and change its emoji

Minizones Personalise

Pay once, use forever

No subscription.

macOS 13.0+ Intel, Apple Silicon

100+ people loves it

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